Eat the Healthiest Fruits and Vegetables and Lower You Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease

It's tough to make a poor decision when it comes to fruits and vegetables. However, there are selections that are better than others are. For instance, a spinach salad is a much better selection than a plate of mashed potatoes or even a plain cooked potato. That's because the spinach contains more nutrients and fewer calories.
Here's a list of the healthiest fruits and vegetables from which to select. Include at least one with every meal, eat it first to help reduce hunger pangs and you'll be fit in no time.

  Most Healthiest Fruits
  • Blueberries are one of the top antioxidants of all fruit. While the acai is more powerful, they aren't locally grown, so, not nearly as plentiful. Blueberries aid in reversing brain decline.
  • Pineapple is great for those with asthma inflammation and as a food to speed postoperative recovery.
  • Apples fight Alzheimer's in addition to fighting various forms of cancer and supporting your immune system. If you have any problems with constipation, an apple a day keeps you regular.
  • Blackberries suppress your appetite and are fat burning fruits. They also help build strong bones.
  • Cantaloupes contain high amounts of vitamin C and A. One cup is only 60 calories. They're also anti-inflammatory.
  • Cherries: If you have arthritis or gout, eat cherries. They aid in reducing inflammation. Red cherries are better for you than black cherries...but the black cherries are far more delicious.

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